• 2018-07-11 •
Gabinet Psychoterapii Integratywnej Nest
I came to Mr. Kamil because I did not deal with problems in my life, they caused emotional crisis, I felt lost.
I did not understand my feelings. The beginning of therapy with Mr. Kamil is considered very good decisions. During the joint work, I rebuilt myself and expressed negative emotions that I suppressed. Meetings with Mr. Kamil have brought me more acceptance for myself, trust, respect for myself, motivation to change and take responsibility for my life.
in the end, joy of life 🙂
Mr. Kamil is a sensitive, attentive and wise therapist.
I am grateful to Mr. Kamil for our meetings.
As the most recommended! 🙂
• 2017-10-07 •
Specjalistyczne Centrum Diagnostyczno-Zabiegowe MEDICINA
Sometimes a normal conversation can help. I recommend it to everyone who thinks about the meaning of psychotherapy, even if they try to give themselves a chance. With this doctor is definitely worth it.
• 2017-01-08 •
I think Kamil is a great therapist. He helped me get over a challenging situation in my recent life.
He tries to understand and touch the core of the issue. The ways he tries to tackle and remedy it are not only mental but also physical and in my case that really helped.
He easily identified my current issues but also their roots and also what is important for its resolution. He found the root of my anxiety and helped let it loose.
He made me understand not only what I was doing but also how I was doing it and why I was doing it. He helped me redefine many pieces of myself as well as many of my relationships that were holding me back. He showed me pieces of myself that I didn’t know existed and I wasn’t even seeing.
He offered new perspectives of the issue and of myself in every meeting. He taught me to look inside me as well as around me. After every meeting I was leaving his office with new information and a new way to see myself.
I feel that Kamil helped me mature by showing me my dark side. I am truly a changed man.
I very much appreciated his easy-going personality, his calm voice and his sympathy. I respect his effort with me as I do not speak Polish and I thank him deeply for that.
• 2016-12-12 •
I am impressed by intuition and unconventional approach – I do not waste time to write notes during the patient’s monologue, but actively participate in conversation, interact, work with the body … It touches the problem, without the necessary words and simplifications: it can be even irritating / forgetful or disable / but always in a constructive way … I had to deal with many therapists, so I have a kidnapping – I do not know if I will continue to receive therapies, And how it will develop – certainly worth …
• 2015-05-07 •
Dobry fachowiec i życzliwy człowiek. Bardzo mi pomógł w zebraniu się do kupy. Godny zaufania co jest bardzo ważnym przymiotem w tej pracy Dlatego zachęcam wszystkich do skorzystania z pomocy Pana Kamila , ponieważ jest duże prawdopodobieństwo że skutecznie pomoże.
• 2015-04-19 •
A good professional and kind man. He helped me a lot in gathering. Trustworthy which is a very important attribute in this work. Therefore, I encourage everyone to take advantage of Mr. Kamil’s help, because there is a high probability that it will help effectively.
• 2015-01-19 •
Kamil is definitely a recommendable psychotherapist. Maybe I’ll just write in short what thanks to the opening to the therapy with him I achieved – that this recommendation would not be just empty words.
I regained my relationship with my mother, for which I very much missed and subconsciously because of the lack of which sometimes bothered me by the inexplicable, unbearable loneliness. Although I did not imagine something similar a year ago – now our relationship flourishes with every meeting, it develops and gives both happiness, emotions and warm emotions.
I learned to stop suppressing and expressing my emotions, which – accumulated – infused me into various “holes” – smaller and larger. I began to feel the anger I had strangled for many years, pushing beyond the threshold of consciousness. I’ve put in a relationship with my dad in my head and – although it is still far from ideal – it is slowly moving in the right direction, which gives me more peace of mind. Being furious with my parents, I was able to open my heart to them, understand them, appreciate them, and look at my life and their lives not only from an egocentric point of view, but also seeing them not only those bad sides, but also the good ones, priceless. It allowed me to see it.
Among other things, working with these emotions and relationships improved my daily functioning, my relations with people improved – I strengthened my relationships with loved ones, became deeper and took on more colors and I got rid of several toxic relationships. I am definitely a happier man.
Thanks Kamil I did a great job in working on myself and my life, and thank you in this place Kamilu thank you again – being aware that there is still a good deal of it in front of me.
And you, if you are looking for a good psychotherapist, know that you have found the right one at this address.
• 2013-03-24 •
Certainly a professional in the full sense of the word, balanced, friendly and honest.
Because of the turbulence in my life, I was with a few other people and I have already quite doubted that I would find someone suitable. She has talent and is just good at what she does. Alice
• 2012-11-16 •
A great psychotherapist who after a few minutes of conversation can reach the main source of the problem. I admire his talent, calmness, gentleness and professionalism. Thanks to him, I could change important things in my life. Talking to this psychotherapist revealed the whole truth and helped me to experience and understand myself. I am happy with the results and I encourage people who have doubts whether the therapy can help them to check on themselves. A grateful patient.